steel airplane hangars

A private, own hangar or a communal building of an association of sport pilots or the airport with rentable pitches, Rapidset Metal Buildings' neck systems offer space for every aircraft due to their large spans.

In aircraft buildings and hangars, not only is the span of the aircraft special, but the buildings must also have a large span because supporting pillars are unthinkable at an airport. With a span of up to 70 m, the steel aircraft hangars buildings of Rapidset Metal Buildings are best suited for sports hangar buildings. Thanks to the variable system construction, large gate openings are also possible, so that every aircraft fits. The insulated building envelope prevents condensation, thanks to heat-insulated walls, the aircraft, and their electronics are optimally protected and the steel structure creates a pleasant atmosphere in the hangar.

The construction of the hangar is always planned individually according to the wishes of each aircraft owner. And even after completion, modifications and extensions are possible thanks to the system build.

Hangars with a round parking deck are suitable for smaller planes, sports hangar airplanes, and jets. In combination with a round parking system from the AERO disc, you make optimum use of the space in the building, and the metal aircraft hangars can maneuver quickly and without danger.
