Rapidset Airplane Hangars Design

steel aircraft hangar
Steel is a sustainable product. That is why Rapidset Metal Buildings wants to convey that message via social media with a series of blogs. If you study this subject, steel turns out to be a material that you can absolutely call sustainable. Because steel can easily be reused without loss of quality. Especially in construction, this is already being cleverly anticipated by designing structures with a view to reusing. For example, the steel construction of a warehouse hall can be used for an aircraft hangar in 30 years' time.

In addition to reuse, steel can also be recycled well. In fact, most of the 'new' steel comes from melting old steel. In addition, we are working hard on innovations that enable cleaner production in the future.

In short, there is enough interesting content to be able to write good blogs and to come up with catchy visuals. Something we tackled with both hands. This project focused on interviews with various experts, but the knowledge of the target group also had to be tested. That is why we have conducted an extensive target group research that maps out what people already know about sustainability. Based on this information, we created several clear blogs that are supported by powerful visuals that make the information immediately clear.

You can see the result - Click Hangar Airplane!
